What's your one thing?

"When we know how to direct our consciousness as light, we understand the subtle, the hidden, and even things far away." - Yoga Sutra 3.25
What's your one thing?
Dear humans:
I’ve been going through a renaissance lately.
I blame my coach.
When we started working together, one of my first assignments was to read a book called The ONE Thing. The book is written primarily for self-employed folks/ entrepreneurs, but the thesis can be applied to anything: In order to self-actualize, we must begin by focusing on one thing.
As I read the book, it struck me how yogic this concept is. Specifically, it made me think about chapter 3 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, where the practice of samyama is introduced. Samyama is the combination of dharana, dhyana, and samadhi (the last three of the eight limbs of yoga) and is described as deep focus, absorption, and integration. By practicing samyama on a certain thing, Patanjali proposes, we begin to understand the world through that one thing: “By meditation on the sun, one understands the order of the cosmos” (3.26); “By meditating on the heart, we understand the mind” (3.34)...
Ultimately, the message I take from this chapter is this:
By focusing on one thing, we come to understand all things.
Through working with my coach, it dawned on me what my one thing has always been: My body.
Through focusing on my body, I have learned about my heart, mind, and spirit.
Through focusing on my body, I have learned about movement and rest.
Through focusing on my body, I have learned about touch, connection, and relationships.
Through focusing on my body, I have learned about kindness and suffering.
And when I ask myself, "What is the one thing that I want to share with the world?" the answer is obvious: I want to help as many people as possible be present and joyful in their bodies.
As for how to do this, this is where my coach and I had the most fun…
After writing and thinking and talking a lot with my coach, I decided that my professional “one thing” is this: To develop a rockin’ online presence. This “presence” includes yoga asana classes, writings on yoga philosophy, discussions of trauma-informed care, and (my newest passion) joyful workouts.
Nothing has felt so right since I decided to become a yoga teacher, nearly 12 years ago.
So for the last few weeks, I have been getting busy:
I have been filming and posting videos to YouTube.
I have been writing weekly blog posts.
I have been sharing more consistently on Instagram.
I have been sending more (and more timely!) e-newsletters…
And the best part is that it has been SO. MUCH. FUN!! I have truly loved creating all this content, and I have super-loved hearing from people that they’ve been enjoying it - because that means that it’s working!!
So here is my request for you:
If you have a topic that you’d like me to address, reply to this email. Maybe it’s a yoga practice for tired feet, or a discussion of pratyahara and how it relates to everyday life. Maybe it’s 3 simple stretches you can do on an airplane, or a 5-min workout with no equipment. Whatever it is, let me know and I’ll do my best to deliver! The intention of all this content, after all, is to share it with people who are interested. So tell me what you’re interested in!
I am so excited to continue learning and evolving, and delighted to share in this journey with you. Thank you for being part of this community so far - I can’t wait to see it grow even stronger! :)
Big love, and have a fabulous long weekend!
P.S. In addition to online things, I am also doing plenty of in-person things. One of those things is the 200-hr Immersion & YTT this fall - and the early bird deadline is TODAY! So if you want to save some $$, there’s still time to sign up! And of course, if you’re thinking about it but want some more info first, I’d be happy to talk via email (itsme@abbywiththerods.com) or phone (5854551523). Feel free to give a holler!